Repetitive Strain Injury Lawyers

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a term for a trauma injuries that occur over time due to repetitive motions and/or awkward postures. 

Commonly, these are disorders result from sustained over-use of the hands, arms, shoulder and neck. A RSI can be a very serious condition, causing severe pain and discomfort which can last for months or even years. Symptoms can range from muscle strain and fatigue to feeling numbness in the affected area and impact basic daily functioning.

Work Related RSI’s and Claims

If your Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) was caused by work, it is important to avoid further injury and seek appropriate medical and legal advice. It is recommended that you inform your employer of the situation and follow any medical advice or instructions given. 

It is possible to make a workers compensation claim for a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) . Additionally, you may be able to file for disability benefits if your RSI is deemed to be so severe that you are no longer able to work. Our work injury attorneys specialize in these types of claims and will ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation available.

Depending on the severity of the RSI, it may be necessary to take a break from work or adjust/modify your job duties until you have recovered.  

What kind of Employees are Most at Risk of RSI’s?

Employees who perform repetitive tasks, and those who work in an ergonomically unfriendly environment are the most at risk from Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). 

Jobs that involve repetitive tasks for long periods of time

  • typing / computer use
  • heavy lifting
  • assembly line work or similar activities can cause RSI if not done properly due to the repetitive motions. 

It is important for employers to provide comfortable working conditions and appropriate safety precautions in order to minimize risks of developing RSI among their employees.

Employer Negligence

In some cases, if an employer fails to provide a safe working environment and appropriate safety procedures, this may lead to an employee developing Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that employees are provided with ergonomically friendly tools and equipment as well as adequate training on how to use these items properly. 

Additionally, employers must make sure that any repetitive tasks are scheduled in such a way that employees have regular breaks throughout the day. Negligence on the part of the employer can be seen as a factor in causing RSI, which could potentially lead to an employee filing for compensation.

What are the Symptoms of an RSI

Symptoms of RSI can include pain, stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling or weakness in the affected body parts. RSI can occur from any activity that is repeated often and with inadequate rest periods between bouts of this activity.

Recovering from an RSI Injury

Treatment for RSI often involves both rest and rehabilitative exercises that are designed to reduce pain and inflammation, strengthen muscles and tendons, improve range of motion and flexibility, as well as promote overall health. 

Additional treatments may include massage therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and other forms of alternative therapies such as yoga or acupuncture. Over-the-counter medications may also be used to alleviate pain symptoms in some cases. In more serious cases, surgery may be necessary.”

If needed, occupational therapy may help you modify tasks to be able to continue working while reducing strain on the affected body parts; physical therapy can also help reduce pain and promote healing. Additionally, there are tools available which can help reduce stress on the body, improve posture and ergonomics whilst working.

How do I start my work injury claim?

In order to start a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) claim, you should first seek medical advice in order to assess any potential long-term effects of the injury. 

You should contact our workers compensation lawyers who will compile a complete history of your working conditions and responsibilities, as well as detailing any other relevant evidence that may have influenced the repetitive strain injury.

The most important part of filing a claim is ensuring there is sufficient evidence to support your case documenting how the injury was caused by negligence on behalf of your employer.

Our lawyers will collect medical reports, statements from witnesses, and any other relevant documents which can demonstrate on your behalf who was at fault for the injury and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf